Lesson 3: Checking in
第三课: 入住酒店
Lesson 3: Checking in
码。您需要练习诸如“I’ll”, 和“we’ll” 等缩略语和有关方位的介
何为客人办理入住手续。Leo: Hi, I’m Leo.
Mona : Hi, I’m Mona White.
Jack: Hi, I’m Jack Webber.
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利奥: 下午好。
Leo: Good afternoon.
利奥: 有什么可以为您效劳的吗?
Leo: Can I help you?
蒙纳: 谢谢,我预定了三天的住房。
Mona: Yes, we have a reservation for three nights.
蒙纳: 我的名字是蒙纳怀特。我上个星期通过电话预定的。
Mona: Mona White. I called last week.
利奥: 请您稍候,怀特女士。
Leo: One moment please, Ms White.
利奥: 我查到了。您预定了两个单人房间,对吗?
Leo: Yes, that was for two single rooms, wasn’t it?
利奥: 我为您安排了402 和403 房间。
Leo: I’ve reserved rooms 402 and 403 for you.
蒙纳: 这两个房间安静吗?
Mona: Are they quiet rooms?
利奥: 这两个房间朝向大街。。。
Leo: Well they are facing the street…
利奥: 但是风景不错。
Leo: … but there’s a lovely view.
蒙纳: 不过我们想要安静一点的房间。
Mona: We’d like quiet rooms thanks.
利奥: 没有问题。
Leo: Of course…
利奥: 下午好,有什么可以为您效劳的吗?
Leo: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
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“ Can I help you?” 接下来请听利奥是如何向客人解释房间预定情况的
利奥: 我为您预定了402 和403 房间。
Leo: I’ve reserved rooms 402 and 403 for you.
三楼十一号房间就是Room three-eleven。我们不能说Room three
hundred and eleven。
Room six- fourteen.
Room five-oh-seven.
Room two-oh-nine.
蒙纳: 我们想要安静一点的房间,谢谢您。
Mona: We’d like quiet rooms thanks.
利奥: 没问题。
Leo: Of course…
当客人提出要求或问题时,我们通常会以“of course” 或者
“ certainly ” 做为回应。这样的说法可以让客人感受到他的要求
Of course
Of course
Leo: Good afternoon.
Leo: Can I help you?
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Mona: Yes, we have a reservation for three nights. Mona White. I
called last week.
Leo: One moment please, Ms White.
Leo: Yes, that was for two single rooms wasn’t it?
Leo: I’ve reserved rooms 402 and 403 for you.
Mona: Are they quiet rooms?
Leo: Well they are facing the street… but there’s a lovely view.
Mona: We’d like quiet rooms thanks.
Leo: Of course…
第三讲: 入住酒店
Lesson 3: Checking In
利奥: 我可以为您调换到311 和312 房间
Leo: I can put you in rooms three-eleven and three-twelve.
利奥: 它们位于酒店大楼的后楼
Leo: They’re at the rear of the hotel.
杰克: 可是。。。蒙纳?
Jack: Mona…
蒙纳: 这样就好多了,谢谢您。
Mona: That’s much better, thank you.
杰克: 可是。。。蒙纳?
Jack: Mona…
蒙纳: 爸爸,什么事?
Mona: Yes, Dad?
杰克: 我想住有风景的房间
Jack: I’d like a view.
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蒙纳: 请问那些房间有风景吗?
Mona: Oh. Is there a view?
利奥: 抱歉,没有。
Leo: Not really.
蒙纳: 可是我希望我们的房间在一起。
Mona: Well, we want our rooms together.
杰克: 蒙纳。。。
Jack: Mona.
蒙纳: 爸爸,什么事?
Mona: Yes, Dad?
杰克: 如果我们的房间不在一起的话,我不在意。
Jack: I don’t mind if our rooms aren’t together.
杰克: 我想住有风景的房间。
Jack: I’d like a lovely view.
蒙纳: 是这样呀。
Mona: Oh.
利奥: 让我想想办法。
Leo: I’ll see what I can do.
利奥: 我可以为您调换到311 和312 房间。
Leo: I can put you in rooms three-eleven and three-twelve...
利奥: 它们位于酒店大楼的后楼。
Leo: …They’re at the rear of the hotel.
“IN”“ ON” 和“AT”。
At the front of the hotel.
At the rear of the hotel。