Look everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time, then your time on the earth will be filled with glory.        ——John Wayne


be filled with:充满。e.g.She seemed to be suddenly filled with energy.她好像突然间就充满了活力。
glory:n. 光荣, 荣誉,壮丽, 辉煌, 灿烂 可赞美的事 繁荣, 昌盛 兴致勃勃, 得意扬扬 。
be in one's glory [口]在极得意[开心]时
cover oneself with glory 满载荣誉, 取得辉煌胜利  
Eternal glory to ... 永垂不朽  
go to glory [口]升天, 死